Shepherd Summer Internship Program

Photo of SHECP 2018 Cohort at Arlington Opening Conference

Frequently Asked Questions:

As part 曼彻斯特's mission, Shepherd Higher Education Consortium on Poverty (SHECP) brings together students from member institutions with agencies that work to benefit our nation's impoverished. Through the Shepherd Alliance internship program, students learn first-hand about the multi-dimensional nature of poverty in the United States. 这样做的时候, students work for eight weeks to strengthen impoverished areas through collaboration efforts with partner agencies and individuals who are working to improve their communities. Shepherd Alliance partner agencies are centered around the areas of education, 医疗保健, 法律服务, 住房, 饥饿, social and economic needs, and community-building efforts.


An eight-week internship with an agency working in a disadvantaged community.
Each student works with Internship Director and Consortium Director to determine an internship that fits his or her intellectual interests and/or a potential area of professional interest.

The agencies represent many fields of interest, 包括教育, 医疗保健, 法律服务, 住房, social and economic needs, and community-building efforts.


Opening and closing conferences are held at member institutions. 


关闭: 稍后通知

Internships are located in cities and small communities across the U.S., 包括伯明翰, AL; Helena and Marvell, AR; Navajo Reservation, AZ; Atlanta, GA; London, KY; Boston, MA; Baltimore, MD; New York, NY; Chester, PA; Austin, TX; Richmond and Lexington, VA等等. 

*You are unable to be placed in a home state. 

What internships are available?

Shepherd Alliance is pleased to offer internships in a wide variety of areas suitable to all interests and courses of study. 参观 SHECP Internships webpage to see what internships are available for the upcoming summer. You can even search by discipline and location; such as Legal, Children & 家庭、医疗等. 曼彻斯特 University has two slots for students to apply for the internship.


  • Students with a minimum of 2.5平均绩点
  • Freshmen, sophomores and juniors (rising juniors and seniors)
  • International Students
  • Graduating seniors are not eligible.

The Shepherd Consortium requires a gateway course for each intern to have completed prior to opening conference. 

曼彻斯特 Course: :  PEA-112 Concerning Poverty ( this class will be offered this January Term and Spring Term)  If you have not completed the class prior to internship offer we will need discuss a plan of action.

Is there financial support?

Covered by Shepherd Consortium: 
  • Each intern receives a food and commuter stipend. 这是14美元.00 per day to live on and is subject to the site's location
  • Round trip transportation costs are covered from home to opening conference and from closing conference back home.
  • On-site transportation during the internship
  • Summer 住房 expenses and arrangement
  • Opening and closing conference costs

No other funding provided.


  • To learn first-hand about the multiple dimensions of poverty in the United States.
  • To be challenged—Shepherd interns learn to cope with a job and with living in a new setting, as well as how to deal with issues of poverty they see every day.
  • To experience a poverty immersion program.
  • To learn about yourself in a way you did not think possible.
  • To live in community with students from other Shepherd consortium members (Washington & 李大学, 贝勒大学, 伯里亚学院, 伍斯特学院, 弗曼大学, John Carroll University, 林奇堡学院, 明德学院, 曼彻斯特 University, 巴黎圣母院, 斯佩尔曼学院, University of Arkansas, Virginia Military Institute).


  1. Complete 牧羊人实习 Application 应用在这里
  2. Submit University Transcript to the 曼彻斯特 University 牧羊人实习 Coordinator (see  below) This can be an unofficial transcript.
  3. Submit a current resume. 
  4. Submit a letter of recommendation (submitted directly by recommender) to serve as a character reference. This letter is to be a character reference from a past academic, volunteer, or employment supervisor.  This reference letter can not be someone from 曼彻斯特 University. ( faculty, staff, student or family)

What is the application timeline?

Application deadlines at each university vary, so please check with your institution. Some deadlines occur as early as mid-October. The latest date for any application is January 20. 请与 Kelsey高尔 for the exact date and any other college-specific application requirements.


Email 服务接触
Chinworth 104
凯瑟琳L. 格雷·布朗博士.D., ’91
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Peace StudiesCouncil Member and Academic Director of the Peace Studies Institute 
Chinworth 104